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We are a video and animation production company based in the heart of Bristol, UK. We have worked with companies to produce commercial, corporate, promotional and creative video solutions all over the UK. Helping them engage an audience through creative film content.

High quality engaging social media video content has the potential to be seen by millions of people worldwide. We know what content is picked up on by the mass markets and what content isn’t, we develop all our videos to be highly watchable with your target market.

Youtube has now become the world’s second largest search engine with over 4 Billion videos viewed each day.

There are many considerations when creating content designed for social media such:

  • The Device: Most social media videos are watched on a mobile or tablet computer so the content has to be filmed or animated in a way that allows for it to be easily viewable on a smaller screen.  Audio has to also be taken into consideration with the final mix being tailored to sound great on a stereo and also suit headphones or mobiles phones speaker.
  • Duration: It’s important that message of the video is concise and effective. social media videos have a high audience drop off rate 
  • Style and production: With social media video the idea is as important as the production quality, we develop ideas and then choose the best way to film it based upon the delivery.

Give us a call on 01202 797816 to discuss your project, or email us via our contact page.