Oculus Rift and 360 degree video

Virtual Reality – The future of video?

By | VR | No Comments

Sam Dawson offered to show me an interesting video he found this morning. It’s a fairly regular event and believe me you never know what to expect..

The ‘Weeknds’ new music video is a video with a difference. The YouTube window displays the hand tool allowing you to move the camera in any direction on a 360-degree axis, all whilst the video is playing.

The technicalities behind this aren’t as complicated as you might think, you could say it’s really just an over engineered ‘selfie stick’. A ball of GoPro’s mounted on a pole covers a 360-degree view. Software is then used to ‘stitch’ the individual pieces of footage together.

The up and coming Oculus Rift should be domesticated in 2016, the idea being, you’ll be able to move your head around and view the entire scene. Expect more content like this to come over the next few months. We may even have a go ourselves!

Written by Sam Perkins

Inspiration Fridays at Kube Productions

Inspiration Fridays

By | Office | No Comments

This is one of our favourite slots in our calendar.

As you may have guessed, the premise is to look at video content that has inspired us – it’s something we’ve been doing for a long time, but thought we’d share it.

We sit down as a team every Friday afternoon and each show a video of our choice. There is no restriction on the size or budget, it could be a students final year piece, or the latest advert from Honda – the point is to keep the material diverse.

We then discuss each one, focusing on the following significant points:

  • What’s the idea and story behind the piece?
  • How does the idea relate to the purpose.
  • What are the technical elements of the production? and how have they gone about producing it?
  • How does the video assist the beneficiary/client?
  • Does it do the job i.e. sell the product/service?
  • Our emotive responses.

If you’re thinking of doing some video work, you might want to consider these points : )